Young women feeling most stress at modern life.

Younger generations seem to have a care-free wonderful life but underneath their happy facades, many women are actually struggling with high levels of stress, mental health issues, lack of well-being and financial insecurity. Research has shown the contradiction to the pretty faces on Instagram and the reality for most women. An internal turmoil of not ‘measuring up’ is having a … Read More

Women’s Super is worse off.

retirement planning for women

Retirement was supposed to be a time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your hard work during your life. It’s a scary fact but women in Australia are currently retiring with 47% less superannuation than Australian men. Yet we live five years longer than men on average. And almost half of older single retired women end up living in … Read More

What is holding us back from achieving our true path?

5 Strategies to Overcome Stress and Emotions

Other people’s expectations and their vested interests. Firstly, let’s look at what happened with the law of attraction – our own attraction may be holding us back from achieving our true path to our dream. The law of the magnetic power of the Universe that draws similar energies together. It manifests through the power of creation everywhere in many ways. … Read More