5 Simple Techniques to Help Your Body Heal Itself.
You can help heal your body to heal itself in a variety of ways, the most powerful way is through the mind.
By bypassing its natural self-repair process and handing all your power over to a doctor, you might be ignoring the very thing you need to heal.
Your body is a self-healing organism.
This is not a revolutionary idea.
Self-healing isn’t as complex as you think.
Channelling your body’s energy is simple and fast.
Try channelling your body’s energy and use your thoughts and feelings to alter your energy frequency.
It’s like switching channels from a pessimistic news channel to your preferred comedy series and feeling comfortable with that switch.
Your day should proceed in a unique direction to ensure you embrace ease, breeze, and even “magic” into your life.
A strong intention can change your life physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Can Your Body Really Self-Heal?
The human body was born to heal.
From renewable cells to emotional healing, the body can self-heal in several ways.
You can learn to improve your innate self-healing abilities by learning to channel your body’s energy.
The energy healing experience is special to any person who attempts to try it.
Most people who have experienced energy healing describe it as calming, comfortable, and physically friendly.
However, if you are thinking of experiencing the energy-healing process, you should be ready for energy shifts and mood swings in your body.
Channelling Your Energy for Self-Healing.
The experience of energy healing is unique to each person that tries it.
Many people who have gone through energy healing describe it as relaxing, warm, and physically pleasant.
But if you are thinking of undergoing an energy healing procedure, you should be prepared of energy and mood shifts in your body.
Learning to Channel the Energy for Self-Healing
All around you, and throughout the entire universe.
It exists not only as an energy field around every living thing, but also circulates through the earth, through the atmosphere around us and throughout nature.
The flow of this energy connects everything that exists, and you, as a living being, are taking in this energy at every moment.
You are always drawing this life energy into your own energy field.
It is this energy that supports your life, as well as the life of all you seek to heal.
In order to practice energy channelling.
The technique you will use to do this is referred to as:
Calling in the Energy.

You call in the energy by using your power of Visualization.
Visualization will be one of your most important tools as an energy healer because it allows you to direct the energy with your effortless intention alone.
To call in the energy, using visualization, you will “see” in your “mind’s eye” or “psychic sight”.
This energy begins to flow into you, from all around you, in greater and greater measure.
You will also “see” this energy, as it flows into you.
Move through your body towards your shoulders, down your arms, and collect in your hands.
Using this visualization, will start the energy flowing through you in this manner when it is time for you to begin a healing treatment.
The following exercise will help you in becoming practiced and comfortable in calling in the energy:

Here are 5 simple techniques to help self-heal your body.
1. Sit in a comfortable position and become aware of your breath.
No need to change the pattern of your breathing – just pay attention to the flow – in and out, in and out. No judging it, no changing it – just noticing.
This is simply to become “present” and to stop some of the never-ending thoughts from interfering for the next few minutes.
2. Take your hands (palms together) in front of you.
Rub them together quickly for 30 – 60 seconds.
Let them become warm from the friction and feel that warmth.
Invite a slight smile in as you are rubbing your hands and taking this time. Smiling itself is healing and has the ability to switch our moods in a few seconds.
3. Hold your hands 6-8 inches away from each other,…
Facing each other and feel the energy flowing through them.
This energy is always here – you are feeling it now because of the intention and the awakening your awareness to it.
you feel this energy tune into it. Know this is part of you. Keep on smiling – doesn’t this feel great?
4. Close your eyes.
See if you can move the energy up your arms, through your body
There is no “wrong way” to do this. You are awakening your energy body with your intent and your intent is to feel and to heal.
See if you can move that energy to any part of your body you may feel some stress or illness in.
Keep it there knowing you are sending it love and positive “healing energy.”
If you feel like you are losing touch with feeling the energy – rub your hands together again.
There is no judgment and no way to do this incorrectly.
Picture the energy in whatever way feels right for you.
Perhaps you just want to feel it or maybe you want to picture it as a white light.
It is whatever way feels the easiest for you.
Let yourself play with this step and smile while doing it.
5. Continue to work with this flow of energy.
Call it to different parts of your body. Notice how it feels as it reaches different spaces.
This energy can help those areas that usually bring you pain.
Feel grateful for finally recognizing this inherent ability in you.
Notice the energy relaxing the parts of the body it flows into.
Thank your body for being able to awaken to this awareness and healing.
Playing with this energy flow for even five minutes can bring a state of joy and peace that you may have felt was impossible even minutes earlier.
How did that feel?
In just five minutes you can change your energy flow and state of being. You can offer your body, mind, and spirit some healing.
As you can see in the above exercise, you do not have to be a gifted healer to heal yourself.
How do you change your energy flow and state of being? And what’s your key takeaway from the article above?
Help Your Body Heal Itself, yes you can…

Philippa Hunt is a Woman on a Mission.
WiseGirls Money Academy was created after working as a qualified Financial Adviser for many years and deciding it was time to assist women who desired to learn and develop the self-empowerment to understand their emotional relationship with money, the skills and knowledge to save and invest. They wanted to learn how to create their own financial future and become financially capable.
The WiseGirls Money Mission is to provide the opportunity and place for growth and development of women of all ages in personal and financial skills in a supported female environment so that they take control of their future to reach their own financial independence.