Covid Christmas 2020 how to Make it enjoyable
Well, here we are winding up the year and having our first Covid Christmas 2020. How to make it enjoyable with our family and friends and stay healthy and safe.
Christmas is by far the most wonderful time of the year. However, in the current situation, it may be difficult to know exactly what to do.
There are many things you can do to ensure you and your family have an enjoyable time. Even though you may not be able to celebrate it the way you usually do.
The Christmas holiday season has always represented a time to reflect on the good things, celebrate annual traditions. Time to connect with friends and family.
The Covid 19 pandemic has limited our social interactions and travel.
There is no reason this holiday season can’t be filled with fun Christmas activities, even if they are socially distanced!
With decorations to be hung, seasonal recipes to be followed, and Christmas cards to be put in the mail, there are plenty of holiday-themed experiences to keep us all entertained.

Covid Christmas 2020 how to Make it Enjoyable Checklist…
Here is a prepared Christmas checklist you may want to review to ensure you stay on track!
While each family household has different holiday traditions. We have assembled this list of creative Christmas activities for kids you may want to include in the traditions this year.
For the more mature audience, we have also included a list of Christmas activities for adults.
Both our lists feature a bunch of holiday activities you can do from home. For those looking to still practice social distancing.
We have even highlighted those ideas with special tagging. We hope you enjoy it!
Here is the Checklist:
Go Crazy With Decorations
We all need a little pick me up sometimes. Christmas lights and decorations are the perfect way to brighten the mood.
You would be surprised how much it can affect your overall mood. Maybe you could even choose to get rid of older decorations and buy brand new ones that spark joy!
Buy some new decorations and lights to add to your collection.
Each year you can have a different coloured theme from your collection over the years.
50 Easy Christmas crafts for Kids…
Click Below to view:

Philippa Hunt is a Woman on a Mission.
WiseGirls Money Academy was created after working as a qualified Financial Adviser for many years and deciding it was time to assist women who desired to learn and develop the self-empowerment to understand their emotional relationship with money, the skills and knowledge to save and invest. They wanted to learn how to create their own financial future and become financially capable.
The WiseGirls Money Mission is to provide the opportunity and place for growth and development of women of all ages in personal and financial skills in a supported female environment so that they take control of their future to reach their own financial independence.