Healthy Money Mindset 2021

Healthy Money Mindset 2021

Powerful Ways to have a Healthy Money Mindset 2021

Uncover what’s holding you back from making money, here below are some tips on helping you have a healthy money mindset moving into 2021.

Give Your Doubts and Fears the big Heave Ho…

The numbers in your bank account do matter — but they’re not the whole story.

We have all been there at one point in our life and can recall the story vividly where a turning point happened, and we were at rock bottom.

It is very difficult to give them the heave ho when facing everyday debtors and bills.  This is where affirmations and keeping calm can help and focus on the future.

Changing our beliefs around money and lack of it is a great place to start. Surround yourself with people who vibrate at a different financial level than yourself.

True wealth depends on your money mindset.


Relate to Money In A New Way For a Healthy Money Mindset 2021.

Relating to Money is one of those things you probably have strong opinions about.

You may be aware of these opinions, or not, but close analysis is a must. Analyze all of the things you believe about money and write them down.

For example, do you believe you have to work hard to ever get rich?

Add to that list all of the things your friends, parents and relatives said about money when you were growing up.

 For example, did you hear your parents or grandparents say money is the root of all evil?

Simply write down what you believe and what you heard growing up.

Now, think about one “belief” at a time, take a look at each of your negative thoughts about money.

Your Beliefs….

  • Do you really believe that?
  • Why do you believe it?
  • Why not?
  • What experiences support or disprove that belief?

It may take you several days to work through this list of beliefs. That’s okay. At the end of the list you will have a new belief system about money.

Because chances are the things you thought you believed about money aren’t really true.

For instance, the biblical verse is actually the love of money is the root of all evil.

Contrary to Gordon Gekko’s Greed is Good speech that he gave to the Teldar Paper shareholders in the movie, greed is not good.

But money IS good.

Not only can it make your life easier, but you can also do a lot of good through philanthropy once you have more of it.


 Build Your Knowledge Bank

Learn how to manage your money. It’s one of the most empowering things you can do.

Develop basic financial knowledge, like how to get out of debt, build an emergency fund, and manage your credit card bills every month.

This sets you up for success no matter how much you’re bringing in or how much you’re spending.

I love learning about personal finance and money psychology.

Here is a list of some particularly good books to start with:

There are endless seminars, podcasts, newsletters, and blogs on the topic, so find a way you enjoy learning about money.

Don’t let “I don’t know” be an excuse anymore!


Change Your Money Story…

You may find it easy to forget about a difficult situation you faced in the past, but how about your current struggles?

If you do have debts or find yourself in a problematic situation financially wise, it is even more important to change your feelings about this right now.

It is tough to attract wealth and abundance when you are in a state of lack.

The good news is, you can trick your mind into a state of abundance, regardless of the situation you are currently in.

As Amanda Steinberg, the founder of Daily Worth, writes in her book Worth It, the personal narratives we tell ourselves form who we are and what we do — especially our money stories.

Your Money Story…

“Your money story is all your unconscious beliefs you have about money, how you should earn it, what it means to want it, and what it means to have a lot or a little,” she writes.

“It reveals a lot about yourself and what you believe is possible.”

Often our stories are negative. They can be excuses for not taking our financial health seriously, which can lead to bad behaviours and lots of stress.

You become the story you tell yourself.

But money doesn’t have to be the source of so much anxiety. It can instead be a source of freedom, power, and choice.

Steinberg herself changed her story, from being someone who earned and spent a great deal of money, and was constantly chasing the next status symbol, to someone who saved and invested in herself.

It only shows you how fast situations can change, so living in your past is never a good idea.


Fake It Until You Make It…

Start talking to others about your situation as if it is already in the present.

You don’t have to lie to people; you can just say things like:

“my money situation is great; I’m now working on my money mindset.

But sometimes it’s really ok to “fake it until you make it,” even if it means you are not 100% honest, but let me explain.

While we’re all green at some point in our careers or life, there’s something to be said for faking it till you make it.

Imitating knowledge, experience, confidence, and savvy can actually change your real-life behaviour in a positive way.

Pretend you know more than you do, and eventually you will. 

The idea has even been studied by scientists, who collectively say that pretending you know “what is “can trick the mind into believing.

The mind knows no difference between reality or fiction. Meaning like dressing the part of the job you want, and you have that job.

Pretending that the car you drive is the one you want. Acting confident and enthusiastic about something you feel bland about These acts can take you a long way. 

Psychology Today says the term “fake it till you make it” was coined by sociologist Robert K. Murton, to describe the following concept:

“That a prediction about the outcome of a situation can invoke a new behaviour that leads to the prediction coming true.”

This little “faking it “didn’t feel wrong; it didn’t harm anyone, right?

Your wealth starts in your head, see yourself as someone who has a lot of money and above all who deserves this abundance!


Create a Vision Board For a Healthy Money Mindset 2021…

As mentioned above, visualization is a very powerful tool when it comes to changing your mindset, and a vision board can definitely help you in the process.

If you think vision boards are bogus, then the joke’s on you!

They work, and there is actually a really simple explanation of why they work so well.

Creating a sacred space that displays what you want does bring it to life.

What we focus on expands. When you create a vision board and place it in a space where you see it often. You essentially end up doing short visualization exercises throughout the day.

Visualization is one of the most powerful mind exercises you can do. 

According to the popular book The Secret, “The law of attraction is forming your entire life experience and it is doing that through your thoughts.

When you are visualizing, you are emitting a powerful frequency out into the Universe.”

Whether you believe that or not, we know that visualization works.

Olympic athletes have been using it for decades to improve performance, and Psychology Today reported that the brain patterns activated when a weightlifter lifts heavy weights are also similarly activated when the lifter just imagined (visualized) lifting weights.

So, what is the big secret to creating a vision board that works?

It’s simple: 

Your vision board should focus on how you want to feel, not just on things that you want.

Do not get me wrong, it’s great to include the material stuff, too.

However, the more your board focuses on how you want to feel, the more it will come to life.

If you are serious about changing your money mindset, you should invest some time in leveraging the power of the law of attraction tools, such as a vision board.


21 Vision Board Ideas to Set & Achieve More Effectively
