Acts of Kindness During Covid19 Pandemic

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Kindness During Pandemic What Can We Do?

 Coronavirus has brought out the worst in some people.

For example, fighting over toilet paper, hoarding and overspending on consumables has put a lot of fear into people in these trying times.

Not all of us are like this and want to help in our community and abroad, there are a lot of selfless people out there and we need to give our support to our front liners in particular.

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Here is a link to how we can help

Front Liners Official Site

Front liners Linkedin Group

Frontliners Facebook Group

Salvation Army Frontliners Website

One woman in particular from Melbourne Catherine Barrett setup a Facebook Group Page which has become a hub for sharing acts of kindness and has over 300,000 members already and growing

Here is the link to join her group

Kindness Pandemic Facebook Group

kindness pandemic facebook group

Catherine Barrett as also setup a Site to donate to as well

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Front Liners pack bags of essentials for Australia’s Health Care Workers.

There are no second thoughts about working long, gruelling hours and dealing with the horrors of the COVID-19 pandemic for frontline workers.

Many of them don’t have time to stop and eat, take a drink or have a passing thought about their own health.

That’s where Front liners steps in.

Front liner Group

The group sends hospital heroes like doctors, nurses and paramedics kits to help deal with those often-forgotten basic needs.

“Our aim is to deliver care packages to healthcare workers on the frontline at this time,” CEO and founder of Front liners said.

How Can We Help as Individuals?

We can make a financial contribution to help support in the delivery of the FRONTLINERS Kits to hospital healthcare workers across Australia.

Please note we are a social enterprise and your financial contribution is not tax deductible. Your contribution is very much appreciated.

The FRONTLINERS Kits will include:

  • Multivitamins & Electrolytes
  • Sleep aids (Sleep masks and Ear plugs)
  • Long-life products
  • Sanitary Supplies
  • Sweet treats
  • Energy/Caffeinated drinks
  • Protein & Snack bars
  • If you have any suggestions for additional products please contact us.
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What can we do Individually for each other?

Calling on people talking and texting, giving them our full attention when we ask “How are you?” because we are particularly invested in the answer.

Taking quiet walks with family and friends, experiencing a personal connection with our co-workers inside a glimpse of their personal space while we are having more live chats Zoom meetings etc with us working from home.

We are finding out more about our friends, colleagues and acquaintances and asking them how their extended family is and their children with home schooling and how they are coping and if we can help.

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Social Media a Great Source

Facebook or any of the social media platforms that you frequently visit has been a real hub with many groups we can join and interact in. 

There are many people sharing many funny stories and many messages reaching out to people and friends keeping us connected in a sense lifting our spirits.

There is plenty of information out there to tap into for resources on tips to keep kids active and engaged.

Also, plenty of online games for children adults and the elderly that we can play with other friends and example would be “Words with Friends”

Join groups to stay connected and extend on our friendships globally and locally.