Overwhelmed with stuff cluttering up space? Creeping up on you? How did I end up with all this! We collect stuff. Little bits over time and sometimes out of sight. How’s the garage going? Storage unit? Sentimental gifts, inherited family pieces, clothes we never wear anymore, shoes we had to have. Old magazines. Papers. Most of us of own a lot … Read More
Australian’s are losing a few hundred million dollars a year in surcharges, according to illustrative figuring based on research by the Reserve Bank of Australia. Researching online shows that there are few retailers such as David Jones and Myer that do not charge their customers a surcharge in store. But most retailers do charge you a surcharge using something like … Read More
It’s Not a Bargain if You Don’t Need It
To Have or Not To Have – It’s not a Bargain if you Don’t Need it! Let’s face it, most of us have weaknesses, but one that can be especially detrimental to your wallet is buying items on a whim. So is it really a bargain, well yes it can be if it is an item you normally buy and … Read More
Five Ways to Avoid Lifestyle Creep
We have all been a victim of lifestyle creep so how do we avoid it? We often celebrate when we get a raise. After all, we deserve it after working so hard. It’s basically a treat and self-reward. So, it becomes easier for us to forget about being thrifty for a while. We also get a reason to ask ourselves, … Read More
Turn Your Extra Coffee Fix into a Secret Woman’s Stash
If you have just one takeaway coffee per day, make it a really good one. Paying for your coffee is $4.00 each day adds up to $1,460 spent each year. Save that second cupof coffee in the afternoon! You would have saved $1,460 per year with the coffee money from one cup @ $4.00 per coffee x 7 days = … Read More
Money Prepared before you get married or live together.
Tips to help you be money prepared before you get married or live together. Before you start down the romantic path to an expensive fairytale wedding really check with a lawyer what you have, where you own it and who brings what assets to the relationship. Be money prepared. The Divorce and Super laws include all relationships. With almost one … Read More
How to have that money conversation in your relationship.
Healthy tips on having that money conversation! How To Have That Conversation about your finances Before you commit to something long term. Did you know that you can have an agreement setup before you get serious in a relationship? Does that mean it looks as though you don’t trust each other? 1.What Is A Relationship Contract? A relationship contract is … Read More
Coffee or Caribbean? Coffee a Serious Contender for Savings!
Financial freedom for Women Coffee or Caribbean? Coffee money can Be A Serious Contender for Savings! Coffee + Money saved = “Savings” Take The Money Personality Quiz? You know you need to take care of you right? The message comes through the social stratosphere every which way you turn in business. What about taking care of you FINANCIALLY to have … Read More
Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend
Imagine a place where all your dreams come true. You can afford to buy your own diamonds. After all, Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. A place where you can look gorgeous, plan for your beauty therapies, travel on that overseas trip and pay for your own home. Luxuriating in the tropics, skiing in Colorado, shopping in Paris while your … Read More