Young women feeling most stress at modern life.

Younger generations seem to have a care-free wonderful life but underneath their happy facades, many women are actually struggling with high levels of stress, mental health issues, lack of well-being and financial insecurity. Research has shown the contradiction to the pretty faces on Instagram and the reality for most women. An internal turmoil of not ‘measuring up’ is having a … Read More

Women’s Super is worse off.

retirement planning for women

Retirement was supposed to be a time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your hard work during your life. It’s a scary fact but women in Australia are currently retiring with 47% less superannuation than Australian men. Yet we live five years longer than men on average. And almost half of older single retired women end up living in … Read More

What is holding us back from achieving our true path?

5 Strategies to Overcome Stress and Emotions

Other people’s expectations and their vested interests. Firstly, let’s look at what happened with the law of attraction – our own attraction may be holding us back from achieving our true path to our dream. The law of the magnetic power of the Universe that draws similar energies together. It manifests through the power of creation everywhere in many ways. … Read More

Achieving the best version of yourself

best version of yourself

Being the best version of yourself means you get up, dress up, show up and get going into your day. Plans for your future depend on your vision of who you want to be, what goals you set for yourself and what it will take to get you there.  Action.  So, what is really holding us back? Can we cope … Read More

How does Social Media influence our self-esteem?

self esteem

Like it not, social media is big business. Social media is entrenched in our daily lives. It impacts the way we communicate, socialisation, knowledge base for research, business marketing, political persuasion and for most of it, the intention is good. However, there is also an ugly side of social media that has created cyber bullying and privacy issues. Social media websites … Read More

De-clutter with Joy!

de-clutter your life

Overwhelmed with stuff cluttering up space? Creeping up on you? How did I end up with all this! We collect stuff.  Little bits over time and sometimes out of sight. How’s the garage going? Storage unit? Sentimental gifts, inherited family pieces, clothes we never wear anymore, shoes we had to have. Old magazines. Papers. Most of us of own a lot … Read More


Australian’s are losing a few hundred million dollars a year in surcharges, according to illustrative figuring based on research by the Reserve Bank of Australia. Researching online shows that there are few retailers such as David Jones and Myer that do not charge their customers a surcharge in store. But most retailers do charge you a surcharge using something like … Read More

It’s Not a Bargain if You Don’t Need It

To Have or Not To Have – It’s not a Bargain if you Don’t Need it! Let’s face it, most of us have weaknesses, but one that can be especially detrimental to your wallet is buying items on a whim. So is it really a bargain, well yes it can be if it is an item you normally buy and … Read More

Five Ways to Avoid Lifestyle Creep

We have all been a victim of lifestyle creep so how do we avoid it? We often celebrate when we get a raise. After all, we deserve it after working so hard.  It’s basically a treat and self-reward. So, it becomes easier for us to forget about being thrifty for a while. We also get a reason to ask ourselves, … Read More

Turn Your Extra Coffee Fix into a Secret Woman’s Stash

If you have just one takeaway coffee per day, make it a really good one. Paying for your coffee is $4.00 each day adds up to $1,460 spent each year. Save that second cupof coffee in the afternoon! You would have saved $1,460 per year with the coffee money from one cup @ $4.00 per coffee x 7 days = … Read More