Financial freedom for Women
Coffee or Caribbean? Coffee money can Be A Serious Contender for Savings!
Coffee + Money saved = “Savings”
You know you need to take care of you right? The message comes through the social stratosphere every which way you turn in business.
What about taking care of you FINANCIALLY to have financial freedom for women?
How does that work? 
We have delicate territory here for an increasing population, without even attempting to come close to any glass ceilings.
Women are behind in the equality stakes right across the board.
Did you know that gender pay equity is worse now than 20 years ago? Shocking but accurate nonetheless.
The reasons are as long as a piece of apron chord.
Broken work patterns with expensive child care rates, child care responsibilities falling mostly on women as well as children living at home longer.
Stuttered superannuation deposits and wage rates combined with a reduced working capacity with the loving albeit consuming load of a family contributes to a financial deficit.
What about the sandwich
Caring for aging parents who are living well into their eighties and nineties has become very real for many Australian women.
It’s a recipe for financial shortage and struggle.
Longevity is the most significant risk to women’s financial outlook for the long term with taking care of themselves.
We are now living longer than in any generation before us with medical technology and better nutrition.
Womens Life Expectancy
Women’s life expectancy is now their late 80’s and many are living well into their 90’s.
This is 25-30 years in retirement without a reliable income other than the aged pension to fall back on.
Government and the finance industry are now showing real concern that more women are showing up in the retirement years with little money.
Low amounts or no super and many are now alone and in real poverty or facing it.
It is remarkable that more than half the successful graduates from University are female, yet many of them are not able to find work or are full time employed at the end of their degree compared with males.
So let’s look at some ways you can prepare for the future with long-term financial freedom for women.
So, what is your relationship with Money?
Heres How You Can Start
1.Pay yourself. SAVE. Select a small amount you can live without apart from your super contributions.
2.You can set up an automatic deduction of this money to squirrel into an interest-bearing account.
3.Nest Egg money. Saving this small amount for years is your extra cushion and back up other than compulsory super.
4. Your Super is contributed by an employer while you are working or you deduct this from your business income.
5. Coffee money let me show you how it adds up, that extra coffee that costs $4.50 in the afternoon? Saving those simple coins in a jar is really closer to $126 per month and $1,500 per year.
Squirreling this away for years compounding at 5% for 7 years is $15,000 stashed. And $35,000 after 15 years.
Coffee Money and Savings?
A serious contender for saving for your long term security.
So what do you do with this money you are carefully saving? Invest this money in sound investments.
Get educated about your investment options such as blue-chip Australian shares and how dividends can increase your investment capital.
If you don’t have enough yet to buy shares, then invest in an Australian Share Fund that is invested in the top 50 Australian companies and have that squirrel money deducted automatically into this fund.
A long term saving option is a 10-year investment bond that cashes out after ten years and is very tax effective.
This is also a good option for an education fund for children.
Get Yourself In The Game
Get yourself into the game and start caring for your financial future health.
One day you will be likely to hit the 65 year age mark and will be glad that you looked after yourself along the way and feel safer and more secure no matter what happens to you over your lifetime.

Philippa Hunt is a Woman on a Mission.
WiseGirls Money Academy was created after working as a qualified Financial Adviser for many years and deciding it was time to assist women who desired to learn and develop the self-empowerment to understand their emotional relationship with money, the skills and knowledge to save and invest. They wanted to learn how to create their own financial future and become financially capable.
The WiseGirls Money Mission is to provide the opportunity and place for growth and development of women of all ages in personal and financial skills in a supported female environment so that they take control of their future to reach their own financial independence.