Turn Your Extra Coffee Fix into a Secret Woman’s Stash

If you have just one takeaway coffee per day, make it a really good
one. Paying for your coffee is $4.00 each day adds up to $1,460 spent each year. Save that second cupof coffee in the afternoon!

You would have saved $1,460 per year with the coffee money from one
cup @ $4.00 per coffee x 7 days = $28.00 spent per week.
That’s almost $30 over the week or $112 per month saved!

Added monthly for 7 years at an average return of 5% and you have
secretly stashed $13,291 after 7 years. (Girl Power!)
Just think – after saving the $4.00 per cup per day for 15 years you
have now secretly.

The Miracle of compounding interest is the 8th Wonder of
the WORLD.

Imagine if this money were saved, not invested and left in a savings
account or piggy bank with no compounding interest then you would
have saved only $10,868 after 7 years AND $21,620 after 15 years.
Savings compound for the first 5 years slowly, then that next 5
years doubles at 10 years and the whole lot doubles at 15 years.

Ladies, while you are sitting there sipping your hot cuppa, there
is some food for thought..
Invest your secret woman’s stash in:
Sharemarket. Investment Bonds..

T U R N   Y O U R   E X T R A   C O F F E E   F I X   I N T O   A   S E C R E T
W O M A N ‘ S   S T A S H

stashed $32,817.
Go buy that dream home or Secret Wish.