What Keeps You Awake over Your Finances.

cognitive costs

What Keeps You Awake over Your Finances COVID 19 Pandemic? In these times that we are currently, we all have been suffering from a little sleep insomnia over our finances and stability. We might have flattened the curve; the effects of the coronavirus outbreak are far from over. Although restrictions are easing and everything from gyms, hotels, and restaurants to beauty salons … Read More

Women’s access to better pay is long overdue

Women’s access to better pay is long overdue – why has it taken so long to get there? The gender pay gap has been a thorn in the side of many women for far too long. It was created as an internationally established measure of women’s position in economy in comparison to men. It is the result of the social … Read More

Coffee or Caribbean? Coffee a Serious Contender for Savings!

coffee money

Financial freedom for Women Coffee or Caribbean? Coffee money can Be A Serious Contender for Savings! Coffee + Money saved = “Savings” Take The Money Personality Quiz? You know you need to take care of you right? The message comes through the social stratosphere every which way you turn in business. What about taking care of you FINANCIALLY to have … Read More

Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend

Diamonds are a girl's best friendd

Imagine a place where all your dreams come true. You can afford to buy your own diamonds. After all, Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. A place where you can look gorgeous, plan for your beauty therapies, travel on that overseas trip and pay for your own home. Luxuriating in the tropics, skiing in Colorado, shopping in Paris while your … Read More