Healthy Money Mindset 2021

Healthy Money Mindset 2021

Powerful Ways to have a Healthy Money Mindset 2021 Uncover what’s holding you back from making money, here below are some tips on helping you have a healthy money mindset moving into 2021. Give Your Doubts and Fears the big Heave Ho… The numbers in your bank account do matter — but they’re not the whole story. We have all been there … Read More

Shifting Your Mindset from Scarcity to Abundance

Shifting Your Mindset from Scarcity to Abundance

Shifting Your Mindset from Scarcity to Abundance You may find yourself afraid to spend money or spending most of your money the minute it hits your checking account.  We all go through moments of anxiety and scarcity about our money and abundance.  Especially with what the world has just witnessed and is still experiencing with Covid 19 pandemic. While there … Read More

How To Change Your Money Mindset

How To Change Your Money Mindset

Here are 5 Powerful ways on how to change your money mindset 1. Understand Your Money Mindset While you may think you know your attitude towards money, it’s possible that you’re not fully aware of how your views are shaping your decision-making. Brittney Castro suggests tracking the thoughts that come up each time you make a money decision. As we … Read More

The Cognitive Cost Of Health-COVID 19

cognitive costs on health

What is The Cognitive Cost Of Our Health Relating to Covid-19 What does Cognitive Mean? The cognitive cost of health -COVID! Cognitive costs deriving from divergent mindsets. Those may be costs due to conflicts which have their origin in incompatible worldviews or costs induced by learning. In an effort to bring differing mental patterns and knowledge closer. COVID 19 Causing Distractions of Cognitive … Read More

Young Women feeling they won’t have a house to call their own

young women's fears

There are many different kinds of women in this world. Some are confident in themselves, and others are the complete opposite and totally insecure. Many of them are living in fear of the prospects of never being able to buy a place to call their home. A real feeling of insecurity hovering over them. Mild insecurity that is destined for … Read More

Young women feeling most stress at modern life.

Younger generations seem to have a care-free wonderful life but underneath their happy facades, many women are actually struggling with high levels of stress, mental health issues, lack of well-being and financial insecurity. Research has shown the contradiction to the pretty faces on Instagram and the reality for most women. An internal turmoil of not ‘measuring up’ is having a … Read More

What is holding us back from achieving our true path?

5 Strategies to Overcome Stress and Emotions

Other people’s expectations and their vested interests. Firstly, let’s look at what happened with the law of attraction – our own attraction may be holding us back from achieving our true path to our dream. The law of the magnetic power of the Universe that draws similar energies together. It manifests through the power of creation everywhere in many ways. … Read More

Achieving the best version of yourself

best version of yourself

Being the best version of yourself means you get up, dress up, show up and get going into your day. Plans for your future depend on your vision of who you want to be, what goals you set for yourself and what it will take to get you there.  Action.  So, what is really holding us back? Can we cope … Read More

How does Social Media influence our self-esteem?

self esteem

Like it not, social media is big business. Social media is entrenched in our daily lives. It impacts the way we communicate, socialisation, knowledge base for research, business marketing, political persuasion and for most of it, the intention is good. However, there is also an ugly side of social media that has created cyber bullying and privacy issues. Social media websites … Read More

De-clutter with Joy!

de-clutter your life

Overwhelmed with stuff cluttering up space? Creeping up on you? How did I end up with all this! We collect stuff.  Little bits over time and sometimes out of sight. How’s the garage going? Storage unit? Sentimental gifts, inherited family pieces, clothes we never wear anymore, shoes we had to have. Old magazines. Papers. Most of us of own a lot … Read More