Creating Healthy Financial Habits.

creating healthy financial goals

Creating Healthy Financial Habits. So how do we go about creating healthy financial habits and making them stick? We all develop regular habits, some good and probably, a few that we should shake.Nevertheless, when it comes to your finances it can become very easy to getcomplacent and let things slip. So below is 8 tips and ideas to take on … Read More

Women’s Relationship with Money and History.

Women’s relationship with money and History.

It’s interesting to point out that women’s relationship with their money and looking at history, does differ from men’s. As we head into the new year and looking at our goal setting it maybe a good time to think about our relationship with money.  As we know we are looking at all areas of our lives and finance is up … Read More

How To Change Your Money Mindset

How To Change Your Money Mindset

Here are 5 Powerful ways on how to change your money mindset 1. Understand Your Money Mindset While you may think you know your attitude towards money, it’s possible that you’re not fully aware of how your views are shaping your decision-making. Brittney Castro suggests tracking the thoughts that come up each time you make a money decision. As we … Read More