Women’s Relationship with Money and History.

Women’s relationship with money and History.

It’s interesting to point out that women’s relationship with their money and looking at history, does differ from men’s. As we head into the new year and looking at our goal setting it maybe a good time to think about our relationship with money.  As we know we are looking at all areas of our lives and finance is up … Read More

Channelling Anxiety and Coping Covid19

channleing anxiety and coping covid19

Channelling Your Anxiety and Coping- Taking Action to Heal We feel more in control when we can plan and prepare for things. so to help with channelling your anxiety and coping. in these times we have put together some useful information to help. We often feel anxious when events feel out of our control and when we think we don’t … Read More

What do you Consider as Acts of Kindness

acts of kindness

Grand Deeds for Acts of Kindness Rather than grand deeds, many of these acts of kindness are small. They are moments and gestures that offer a hand to someone in need. But there are glimmers of light as well. Facing a health and economic crisis like no other then what we are experiencing with the Covid 19 pandemic, people have … Read More

Compassion in the Community During Pandemic Times

compassion kindness

Acts of Kindness and compassion in the Community Amid concerns of rising neighbourhood tensions in frustrating circumstances, however, acts of kindness and solidarity are burgeoning. The community is also implementing an initiative to help each other. Calling for volunteerism, its residential management company started pulling together a list of volunteers that can be called upon to carry out tasks. Helping … Read More

Acts of Kindness During Covid19 Pandemic

kindness pandemic

Share Kindness NOT Coronavirus Kindness During Pandemic What Can We Do?  Coronavirus has brought out the worst in some people. For example, fighting over toilet paper, hoarding and overspending on consumables has put a lot of fear into people in these trying times. Not all of us are like this and want to help in our community and abroad, there … Read More

COVID 19 Crisis Your Finances and Emotions.

finance and emotions

The impact on women’s finances and emotions and keeping our sanity COVID-19 With the impact of COVID 19 on women’s finances and emotions during these trying times can be very vexing, women tend to worry more about financial issues, whereas men tend to take action. The high proportion of women in casual work and in the hospitality industry, means that … Read More

Money Prepared before you get married or live together.

money prepared before you get married

Tips to help you be money prepared before you get married or live together. Before you start down the romantic path to an expensive fairytale  wedding really check with a lawyer what you have, where you own it and who brings what assets to the relationship.  Be money prepared.  The Divorce and Super laws include all relationships. With almost one … Read More

How to have that money conversation in your relationship.

money conversation

Healthy tips on having that money conversation! How To Have That Conversation about your finances Before you commit to something long term. Did you know that you can have an agreement setup before you get serious in a relationship? Does that mean it looks as though you don’t trust each other? 1.What Is A Relationship Contract? A relationship contract is … Read More