Women’s Relationship with Money and History.

Women’s relationship with money and History.

It’s interesting to point out that women’s relationship with their money and looking at history, does differ from men’s. As we head into the new year and looking at our goal setting it maybe a good time to think about our relationship with money.  As we know we are looking at all areas of our lives and finance is up … Read More

Women in Small Businesses Affected During COVID 19

women in small businesses

How can women manage their money and cope through Covid19? Today many women in small businesses have been affected during COVID 19. A lot of women have small home-based businesses and are self-employed.    Some have cafes and boutiques and hair salons with little super to rely on or job-keeper. So, what can we do about managing our money and … Read More

Women’s Relationship with Money.

womens relationship with money

Why Women’s Relationship with Money is Not the Same Women’s relationship with money can differ from our friends and family, as we all have different personalities that control the way we have a relationship with money. Do you know what type of personality you have that controls your relationship with money and how you spend and save and the value … Read More