Other people’s expectations and their vested interests.
Firstly, let’s look at what happened with the law of attraction – our own attraction may be holding us back from achieving our true path to our dream.
The law of the magnetic power of the Universe that draws similar energies together. It manifests through the power of creation everywhere in many ways.
This law attracts thoughts, ideas, people, situations and circumstances. Simply put, it is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on for either good or bad.
The power of the mind to translate this is in our thoughts and materializes into reality. The science behind this is quantum physics.
Where is your focus in life? Are you attracting the life you want?
So, if you want to make a big change in your life you need to face everything that is holding you back from succeeding to make those changes.
Everything that drains your energy, distracts your focus and clutters up your mind.
Do our energy and thoughts draw in what may be holding you back us back on our true path? We may need to look at changing our thoughts and who we may be consoling and connecting with.
That mental clutter is often the heaviest ‘stuff’ we carry through life. Really, it’s baggage that we can successfully offload if we choose to.
What is the greatest obstacle to achieving your own success?
You may be the greatest obstacle! Beyond the baggage, you may be truthfully honest and admit it now.
However, there is plenty more you may be carrying around in your unconscious mind that you may not be aware of.
Yet it is holding you back from your true path.
Are you fearful of letting go and creating a better life?
Studies have shown that the pain from fear is experienced the same as physical pain. Whilst it may not be visible to others, it is real pain.
It hurts and can be debilitating. We can reduce that pain once we recognize it and then get it out in the open.
Those fears prevent us from testing the limits of our true potential.
Are your desires out of reach?
A desire is a strong feeling or wish to have something in your life but is currently out of reach.
You perceive it as bringing you some satisfaction or happiness. It may be a goal whether it’s attainable now or unattainable right now and will take some effort.
Desires can be both healthy and unhealthy. Unhealthy desires can become obsessions and block the road of living a happier life.
Healthy desires bring joy when you achieve your goal. Is that desire to have better financial security, a better job or afford luxuries that others enjoy?
Let’s be honest now ….
If you have now identified your greatest obstacle from holding you back, you are finally being honest with yourself by admitting those issues and what you want to do.
Now the problems can be solved instead of weighing you down and holding you back.
Other people’s expectations holding us back from our true path.
Have you been trying too hard to please everyone else, believing that that is what they want?
The cost of trying to please everyone else then leaves you drained and not focusing on what really matters. YOU.
We set ourselves up to be liked and popular by trying to please others and resulting in a feeling of failure or drained of inspiration when we can’t sustain this.
Then we settle for a mediocre life or second-rate accomplishments because we are paralyzing ourselves on matters that really don’t matter.
When you prioritize yourself, and place others behind your needs or ignore others you are then able to strive for those goals that please YOU.
That is the start of achieving those goals.
Don’t get yourself anxious by someone’s failure story. It happened to them not you.
Have a well-meaning friend or relative who constantly advises you how to run your life and withholds their approval when you make your own decisions?
The answer?
You are not on this earth to live the life they decide that you should. What is their vested interest to keep you in a state of needing their approval anyway?
Their ego. They are ‘offended’ because they were only trying to help.
They have a need to be needed and if you are independent you don’t need their advice and they perceive that as negating their opinion.
You are your own best parent. This is your life and is not a dress rehearsal for the next one.
Don’t allow them to steal your dream.
Usually, they don’t have a clue what they are talking about or understand your goals like you do.
Don’t be bothered too much by the risks. Analyse the risks, get a professional to assess your goals and help you. Do your research.
Rather be inspired by opportunities and your true potential. Stop doubting yourself. You are smarter than you think and stronger than you believe.
The best thing about the people in your life is that you can ignore them and their negativity.
Fight for your dreams!
If something is calling to you in your heart and mind, then you owe it to yourself to try. That means being optimistic and grabbing the opportunity.
When you listen to others and continually try to please them and meet their expectations, you are allowing them to kill your dream.
It is not in their interests for you to succeed and leave them behind.
This is especially true when you commit to significant personal change. This often brings up everyone else’s fear of change.
Many people are happy to tell you why something won’t work and share a story of failure.
Most worthwhile changes involve some sort of risk where others have failed.
Focus on your intention, feel the emotion of achieving your goal, do the research and make the decision.
From that decision, the Law of Attraction kicks in and sends out the thought, powered by emotional energy and that charged energy will seek out what you need to achieve your goal.
Why not make yours the one that succeeds?
What’s your fear, belief or habit that’s holding you back right now? Do something for yourself and enjoy your results.

Philippa Hunt is a Woman on a Mission.
WiseGirls Money Academy was created after working as a qualified Financial Adviser for many years and deciding it was time to assist women who desired to learn and develop the self-empowerment to understand their emotional relationship with money, the skills and knowledge to save and invest. They wanted to learn how to create their own financial future and become financially capable.
The WiseGirls Money Mission is to provide the opportunity and place for growth and development of women of all ages in personal and financial skills in a supported female environment so that they take control of their future to reach their own financial independence.