Workplace Frameworks and Safety Measures COVID 19
As Businesses reopen slowly and our Workplace Framework and Saftey in our economy get back on track we all know it will look different.
Our workplace and the way we conduct business will look much different and we need to have safety measures and understanding and educating ourselves moving forward.
As workplaces reopen, we will need to demonstrate new compliances and regulations with minimum standards.
Our Workplace Framework is made up of three key areas:
1.Minimum Standards Framework:
Minimum standards to manage the ongoing risk of COVID 19 in our workplaces and primary place of business.
These new minimum standards will be established as a new regulation in the “Work Health and Safety Regulations.
To read more in detail on how it affects your workplace and business visit here
Workplace Framework Checklist:

- Manage the risks of a person contracting or spreading COVID-19 in the workplace
- Implement and maintain a cleaning schedule across the workplace
- Have good hygiene procedures and practices (such as washing and/or sanitising of hands)
- Ensure workers who have been instructed to quarantine or self-isolate don’t come to the workplace
- Make sure physical distancing requirements are met by workers, contractors and other people entering, leaving or moving around the workplace.
- Provide information, training and supervision on how the risks of COVID-19 are to be managed and ensure all processes and procedures are applied by workers.
- Provide information and instruction to other people who attend the workplace about how they are to comply with your processes and procedures, and make sure they apply them.
2.Workplace Framework Guidelines.
We understand that not one size does not fit all workplaces and business. standards.

Safe Workplace Guidelines are being developed through consultation with industry sectors as a practical guide on how your workplace can meet the Minimum Standards.
Workplaces and businesses are required to be able to demonstrate how you are complying with the Minimum Standards, if asked by a workplace inspector.
Developing a COVID-19 Safety Plan is the best way to demonstrate compliance with the Minimum Standards.
You will also need to be able to show any processes or procedures you have put in place to implement your plan.
The workplace inspector may check that your plan and procedures are being applied in the workplace.
- Safe Workplace Guidelines –practical guides on how your business can meet the Minimum Standards will be available from as they are developed.
- COVID-19 Safety Plan Template for Small Businesses – a practical step-by-step guide to completing a COVID-19 Safety Plan.
3.Workplace Framework and Safety Plans

Your COVID-19 Safety Plan will depend on the size and nature of your workplace.
The person controlling the workplace has the duty to manage the risks in the workplace. They should decide how best to develop a COVID-19 Safety Plan.
The government has provided workplaces and businesses checklists and templates, they are available to help us develop our own workplace COVID 19 Safety Plans.
These will provide workplaces and businesses that are already operating, or those preparing to reopen when safe.
This is a chance to review existing practices and prepare our workplaces and businesses for when restrictions are relaxed.
Workplace Frameworks and Safety -Resources and Toolbox
- Checklist – how to keep your workers safe and limit the spread of COVID-19 and to help you to start thinking about measures to include in your COVID-19 Safety Plan.
- COVID-19 Safety Plan Template for Medium-Sized Businesses – This template provides a broader framework for developing COVID-19 Safety Plans and can be used by any workplace that wants greater flexibility in the process of drafting the COVID-19 Safety-Plan.
- Businesses that are already working to an industry standard for managing COVID-19 may find it easier to use the template for Medium-Sized Businesses.
- Large enterprises may already have well developed COVID-19 Plans in place for a range of workplaces. Existing plans need to be reviewed to ensure that meet the Minimum Standards.
- COVID Ready Stickers and Posters – Stickers and Posters are available to promote the existence in your workplace of a COVID-19 Safety Plan.
- This is not a Government endorsement or accreditation of your plan. It does, however, help workplaces to communicate with workers and customers that measures are in place to increase their health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- You will need to provide your ABN (if available) and declare that you understand your obligations and have a COVID-19 Safety Plan in place in your workplace. Register for a COVID Ready Stickers and Posters here.
- Fact Sheet – An overview of COVID-19 Safety Plans.
For more information visit link below
Roadmap for Workplace Frameworks and Safety Measures
What are the public health rules now and what is the roadmap for each state as we relax and easing restrictions?
Here is the federal government roadmap – and read on to find out how your state has opted to ease restrictions.
Visit link below for your own state rules:
Workplace Frameworks and Safety Online and Marketing Tips.

As we are now working online now more so and from home we need to relook at our marketing strategies.
Visit our resource hub: A collection of resources designed specifically for small and medium businesses including tips on adapting to new customer behaviour and tools to manage a business remotely, like Google Meet. Learn more.
Monitor change with Google Analytics: Use Analytics reporting shortcuts to quickly surface your most important metrics so you can understand changes in user behaviour and navigate disruptions to your business faster. Learn more.
Quickly add a banner with Google Optimize: You can now use Optimize to add a banner at the top of your website to keep your customers informed of changes to your business such as hours, shipping policies, and more. Learn more.

Philippa Hunt is a Woman on a Mission.
WiseGirls Money Academy was created after working as a qualified Financial Adviser for many years and deciding it was time to assist women who desired to learn and develop the self-empowerment to understand their emotional relationship with money, the skills and knowledge to save and invest. They wanted to learn how to create their own financial future and become financially capable.
The WiseGirls Money Mission is to provide the opportunity and place for growth and development of women of all ages in personal and financial skills in a supported female environment so that they take control of their future to reach their own financial independence.